Sunday 17 January 2021

Age versus Knowledge

🈶️Discrimation of elders in our society ?

Are more people showing disrespect for elders ?

Has it to do with our education system ?

Is respect for elder giving way to respecting the knowledgeable regardless of age ?

Does it prick you seeing an advertisement showing a little girl correcting her grandfather in the presence of her parents ?  This erodes our asian family values.?

Well, it is not surprising when more and more younger generations take over the planning, designing, execution, etc of the working mechanism; changes would tend to be from their perspective.

Old is outdated and not worthy of respect ?  Rampant stereotyping of the elders ?

Worse, when there is no adequate filial piety, character-building, etc effort and learning opportunity in schools ?

Age is no more associated with wisdom ?  Are elders feeling more and more insulted and inadequate in our high-tech society ?

With relativism and secularism creeping in fast and furious; every intention, situation, adversity, change, etc can be seemingly justified.  The dividing line between old and new, old and young, experienced and inexperienced, etc will readily loose its way ahead.

From hindsight, many older people also used to harbour the mindset that the young are inexperienced and need to learn the rope.  Are elders not as guilty ? 
Are elders fearful of losing ground to the young ?

In this fast-changing and high tech world, we cannot say for sure who is inexperienced and capable of doing a task better.  It boils down to one's mindset, and willingness to harness the unknown.  Respect comes naturally from heart and mind on seeing who handles a situation better.

Keep up.  To each his or her own.